Home Forums General Discussion Metformin – Treats Type 2 Diabetes

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  • #85363
    Limson BrosLimson Bros

    Metformin hcl 500 mg is a widely used oral medication for managing Type 2 diabetes. It works by lowering blood sugar levels, primarily by reducing the amount of glucose produced by the liver and improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin, allowing for better glucose absorption. Unlike some other diabetes medications, metformin does not cause significant weight gain and is often the first-line treatment for Type 2 diabetes, especially for individuals who are overweight or obese. It can be taken alone or in combination with other diabetes medications, depending on the patient’s needs. Common side effects of metformin include gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort, which usually subside over time. Metformin is effective in controlling blood sugar levels and, when combined with lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and regular exercise, can significantly improve diabetes management and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.

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